Thursday, November 15

1 Muharam 1434 H

Alhamdulillah, hari ini kita memasuki tahun baru Islam 1434 Hijriyah
Sudah baca doa awal tahun belom? Di sini
Menyikapi tahun baru Hijriah ini dengan meningkatkan ketaatan kepada Allah, mengintrospeksi diri, melakukan pembenahan dan pembaruan terhapap amal-amal perbuatan kita yang rusak, dan memperbaiki hubungan dengan sesama manusia . . .
Biasanya saya ga begitu notice sama 1 Muharam
Tapi tahun ini agak beda
Serangkaian proses yang saya alami beberapa hari ini bikin saya jadi pengen introspeksi diri *wanna know more? read my journal :p
Dan tahun baru ini pas banget sama momen saya yang pengen jadi lebih baik

Nah, kalo biasanya saya bikin resolusi awal tahun di tahun baru yang masehi
Sekarang saya juga pengen bikin resolusi untuk tahun mendatang
1. Lebih banyak belajar Ikhlas
2. Lebih rajin solat malem
3. Lebih rajin puasa sunah
3. Lebih rajin sedekah
4. Lebih banyak senyum *tapi ga senyum2 sendiri juga lhoo
Intinya saya pengen tahun ini lebih deket ke Sang Pencipta, Allah SWT

Klo berdasar sejarahnya, awal tahun Islam ditandai dengan hijrahnya Rasulullah SAW dari Makkah ke Madinah. Klo pengen tau sejarahnya lebih lengkap baca di sini ato di sini
Artinya, umat juga harus merayakan tahun2 berikutnya dengan hijrah ke pribadi yang lebih baik

Pada hakekatnya, satu tahun berlalu, berarti satu tahun lebih dekat dengan kuburan.


PS: sepertinya sekarang di akhir postingan saya harus nambahin tanggal.
      Template blogger saya yang baru ga ada tanggalnya euy -_-

Tuesday, November 13


Taylor Swift's latest album is out! Yay!
I already loved her before this album
But this is the very first time I enjoyed every song in her album

Maybe because, for now, I have so much time to search the songs listed in her album
At first I only know her first single in this album titled We Are Never Ever Gettin Back Togeteher
And it makes me search the MV on YouTube

Aaand, swifties over the world has already upload her songs, which hasn't been released yet
So it brought to her "22", "Begin Again", and "RED"
I only listen once but it already stuck in my head that I only humming it over and over, haha..

I begin to stalk in forum and I just know that every time she made an album, she always put hidden messages in her booklet
And here is what I got from the forum, (I didn't solve it my self though, hehe)
1. State of Grace: I love you doesn’t count after goodbye
2. Red: Sag
3. Treacherous: Won’t stop till it’s over
4. I Knew You Were Trouble: When you saw me dancing
5. All Too Well: Maple lattes
6. 22: Ashley Dianna Claire Selena
7. I Almost Do: Wrote this instead of calling
8. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together: When I stopped caring what you thought
9. Stay Stay Stay: Daydreaming about real love
10. The Last Time: LA on your break
11. Holy Ground: When you came to the show in SD
12. Sad Beautiful Tragic: While you were on a train
13. The Lucky One: Wouldn’t you like to know
14. Everything Has Changed: Hyannis Port
15. Starlight: For Ethel
16. Begin Again: I wear heels now 

There is also one new song of her, but it isn't the part of RED album
It was for charity, maybe you have known it
Yes, it's "Ronan"
After I knew about the background story of the song, I googled it and brought me to Ronan Mom's blog
No wonder why Miss Swift so attached and made this song
She truly has a kind heart
I hope her future will shine brighter and doesn't end up in a deep valley like other musician (I think I don't need to mention them :p)
Good Luck Miss Swift
